ONSM's fortunes are changing.
ONSM's recent presses indicate new exciting products as well as a partnership with AKAM. ONSM works well with AKAM because they have complementary products. I would not be surprised if AKAM one day ends up acquiring ONSM. As the web continues to grow, AKAM grows as well. I don't see why ONSM won't, although they really need more customers (they have about 2000 so far). ONSM's new product offerings should help in that regard.
ONSM only lost about $1 million in the previous quarter, compared to almost twice that last year. Their revenue growth has been slow but i see that changing with their new products, as well as Akamai introducing them to new customers.
Intermediate to longer term play. Once ONSM closes above 3.75, you got to be in. The 3.75 multiyear resistance is tough to break. If you don't yet own this stock, wait out today and see what happens before buying. Yesterday's action may have created a short term top.
There is no doubt in my mind that ONSM will eventually sell stock as they do need a new cash infusion. I hope they wait till we trade north of $4 before doing that.
think it's time to take 1/2 off , or all off the table, or are you holding for now? (ONSM) i'm thinking of also getting in to TRMM, good idea?
-mark the rat
ONSM up in pre-market to $3.29
Thanks Beanie for making ONSM your official pick ;)
i think it's a good idea to get in TRMM, but please be patient with that stock.
Regarding ONSM, i'm holding a core position but may buy on dips for a daytrade.
DTV: nice!
i may turn out to be right after all by tellin ya to sell SEED, GRMN, and NMX for DTV!
What do u think about SCLN?
What do u think about SCLN?
the blogger seems to run very slow today.
has anyone tried the Jones sodas? I did and they taste nasty to me.
Anyone tried the whoopazz energy drink?
PNCL wow
shorties are horrible people, always scaring us... lol
Douglas Klaas keeps on saying we going down. What an idiot!
I always have this urge to sell stocks once it goes down. Majority of the time i do. Im sure it happens with everyone how do you guys overcome it?
i believe the selloff was precipated by Douglass Klaas talking down the market before the open.
Hold the line!
buy QQQQ
Thanks for the message. Shall watch 'DTV'.
For those of us who may not have been so lucky with ZVUE,XNN and ZVUE, could you pls give some insight to their immediate prospects.
SOFOis showing us some love. Let's break 5!!!!
Can you say HTI?
Hi Beanie,
Last nite, was unable to view your picks, board. This morning, back to normal. So, TRMM yes, patience required,,,
OSMN in at 3.10 all other positions gone...XNN 500 shares holding...Pamfla
RIMM: a good buy
Beanie, is GMKT still a buy?
Beanie, is GMKT still a buy?
Yo, OSMN broke HOD ...alrighty then...keep going going GONE!!!
ONSM train leaving again....
From now on, I purchase only your recomm.
RNIN has little volume...
Whats a super resistance for ONSM?
Any price to get out at for a trade?
Any opinions on RNIN and BRLC?
I am looking at resistance around HOD yesterday around 3.85.
Resistance for ONSM is 3.75
RNIN - I think its a hold and will do well.
BRLC - I dont like it at all.
GMKT getting crushed.
I would sell GMKT and buy Beanie's ONSM. You can still recoup your losses!
Looks like Beanie at the mall doing some last minute holiday shopping.
RIMM looks like a good short along with market going down
interesting article, although nothing too surprising....
-mark the rat
RIMM is turning out to be a nice short.
Well, anything is a good short now. Shorted S&P futures at 1426
GMKT: a great buy here in the low 23
Sorry folks, i'm not very focused today.
Have a great weekend!!!
Cramer said see us on Monday last nite. Market open on Christmas?
QQQQ: if it gets above 43.05 here, it's a good buy.
I'm not gonna answer any questions today but will do so this weekend. Bye now.
did anyone buy IMMU????? I can't remember who mentioned it. Whoever did, could you let me know what you would do here? Is it a long term hold or what?
GMKT: I told you yesterday this thing is going down with the market correction. if you didn't buy in the 20s you missed the train. Everyone sold yesterday and today. I would wait couple more days. Buy back in the 20s,
EBAY: short term bottomed!
ATHR: bottomed!
GMKT looking to add again low low $22 or just under but must hold mid $21's .. if mid $21's not supported then uptrend line is broken.
ZICA SCLN MDWV XING moving today
NUVO wow ... HOD
Just wanted to say a few things....
I like this board. its very informative and alot of good stocks are being mention here but many of you are still losing money.
Beanie is good but some of his picks are a day late and a dollar short. ONSM: He mentioned it when it was already up over a buck$ and you wonder why you lost money. Don't get me wrong, you can still make money because I did but you have to know how to play it. DOn't get me wrong, Beanie is good. One of the best but there are couple others here that are just as good.
DId anyone buy DKAM?? KP mentioned it about a week ago. and I'm up over 35%. I follow him from other boards and he is good.
How about TRMM? you guys seem to be confused. Should I sell, should I wait, ect... IF you would of bought it when Jspade mentioned it you would of made over 35%. I also follow him from other boards.
All i'm saying is that there are some good post here and if you use it wisely, you can make alot of money..
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
short term bottomed.
QQQQ: short term bottomed!
jan 43 calls @ .85 is a good buy.
Play small.
Thanks Beanie, I just loaded up on QQQQ calls.
Let me also jump in regarding Beanie's stock picks. Anyone here who is still losing money has no business day-trading and should stick with a good mutual fund. Enough said!
ZICA daytraded in at $1.53 sold 3/4 $1.95 .. really was looking for $2.19 but not going to push it .. not a long term hold for me
BTW I am a she not a he LOL
Looks like Beanie has some serious competition here! LOL
Please help...What do I do with MED? Do I buy more here or cut my lost. Need help badly.
Thank you
Don't care what others say about Beanie. I been here a while and made a ton of money bc of beanie.
Until they show me otherwise, I'm sticking with Beanie...............
ONSM: without further news, this stock could drop to 2.8
MED: don't sell. buy more.
This stock has nearly bottomed and should move higher soon.
MED: i say you back up 3 trucks if it goes to mid 11. But right here is a good time to buy!!!
Hope your feeling better, What's going on today...
ONSM is a HOLD, yes?
Market closed on XMAS...Tuesday, OPEN
i agree there are others here that seem to be good traders. I don't want this to get "competitive" but it wouldn't be too bad if we end up with a room full of good traders.
This is Beanie's blog but if we can get a handful of good traders to help search for some of these it would benefit this blog and our pockets.
I think by saying I am only going to stick to Beanie's pick is close-minded. Beanie is the man but there are others that may have some worth looking into.
Beanie. Good Job and I am sure he appreciates the help might put less stress on him
Just my opinion. Let's rock into the New Year
ANPI: i think it has bottomed.
swingtrade it.
I am giving out several swing plays today in case you got alot of money and not know what to do with it.
every time it gets near 3.75 (like today) you need to sell it, until it ultimately breaks above 3.75.
If you don't sell as it approaches 3.75, other traders will!
Why the change of heart about ONSM? Do we hold or sell...ran up, now down,,,Well Beanie...do what babe?
Neen to know asap thanks
i like ONSM alot but i know it is very short term overbought. Therefore i suggest you take profits near 3.75 and buy back at a lower price (below 3). I don't think it is ready to break above 3.75 just yet.
GMKT: i hope you bought some at the low to mid 23's
EXAS: i think something's brewing.
Is it time to buy MPEL on weakness?
Beanie and Crew,
Wishing you all a great Christmas!!
I am heading across country and be back Tues.
Be Safe.
I was hoping I can take-off early at work today, but could not do it. I missed to sell my 2000 share of ONSM. But I am not worried, I decided to hold this one for awhile maybe a few more weeks.
I just wanted to greet everyone a Merry Christmas and a PROSPEROUS New Year. Beanie and others have been very helpful. I am looking forward in the coming year to be as prosperous. Thanks Beanie and rest of crew.
Regarding ONSM...
the faster you sell, the faster this baby will move up! :)
my worst trades of the year, by far, were SAI and NYX...both gave me losses of over $1,000. NYX was especially hard because i was up HUGE on that baby but greed got in the way and I lost in the end. Definitely not happy about it, but live and learn...
Happy holidays Beanie & Board, stay well, be safe
-mark the rat.
This is an article of the January effect and TRMM by Thomas KO, the CNBC stockpicking champ. He has a target of 6 on it. They have restructured and are just concentrating on the ATM business.
I am loaded uip and being patient with 2000 shares at an average cost of about $ 2.13. Also check out the January charts on NUVO. Pretty good.
Beanie, you would still be a buyer of OSNM here.
PS Is Neil still around.
OK, let's play a little game. What is our number 1 stock pick for the January effect? My name is Jim and I am agreeing with Thomas KO TRMM.
1st prize is one of Beanie's cheeseburgers
2nd prize is two of Beanie's cheeseburgers
Just kidding, I bet they are really good.
Let's all play. Merry Christmas.
Don't wait -- buy TRM now
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Let's talk about some upcoming events or catalysts that will shape part of our stock market in 2007.
The most important is the January Effect, the traditional overall increase in stock prices during the year's first month. This rally is attributed to investors buying stocks that dropped in price during the sell-off in November and December by investors seeking to create tax losses to offset capital gains from other stocks. The January Effect is said to affect small-capitalization stocks more than mid- and large-caps.
In general, you want to find and pick up those cheap stocks now. The reasons are simple: The funds and investors that have been selling those stocks are doing so mostly due to tax reasons rather than company fundamentals. They began this sell-off in November, so after the middle of December, there is not be much selling left to be done and the sell-off effect probably will have bottomed out. Come January, we should see a buying tidal wave that will push the prices of these stocks upward.
One such stock that I like is TRM (TRMM, news, msgs), the second largest ATM and copier product-and-service provider behind Cardtronics. The stock was particularly attractive for tax-loss selling because price dropped 90% this year, partly because of operating losses caused by earlier acquisition mishaps. However, the selling has been done mostly by small investors, while major fund holders like Seth Klarman's Baupost Group and DDJ Capital have increased their share holdings in TRM recently.
However, TRM is in the midst of a successful restructuring, selling off non-core assets and focusing on the ATM business here in the United States, where it feels it can establish tighter cost controls. As far as the company value goes, I believe the entire ATM business is worth upwards of $150 million, or $6 per share. It closed Friday at $1.57.
TRM also has been rumored for months to be on the buyout block. Any of the players, including Cardtronics, could be looking at TRM. If the company is not bought out, it should be able to stand on its own and produce meaningful profits by middle of 2007, when the full effects of the restructuring kick in. As I see it, TRM is in the process of transforming itself to be a "meaner" and "leaner" company and this strategy may just work out beautifully in 2007.
The stock is trading artificially cheap now, making TRM the best January Effect play to come.
In the coming days, I will also talk about other small-cap stocks that I feel will benefit from the January Effect.
holy cow, this stock has bottomed!! I want you to buy it now around 25!
Hi Jim (and everyone else!)
I'm around, but as I have family visiting at the moment, I'll be posting irregularly until just after the New Year. I've spent today positioning my holdings (thanks Beanie!) for what will hopefully be a good Jan. I wish you all Happy Holidays and a prosperous, peaceful New Year.
in case you get bored, this stock play may give us some excitement:
Hey everybody out there who thinks beanie11111 is a true believer in his picks, i was surfing yahoo's message board and i saw someone talking about ZVUE a stock which beanie1111 recommended on nov 24 saying he saw a 20$ target. Well if you check out this web site http://messages.finance.yahoo.com/Stocks_%28A_to_Z%29/Stocks_X/threadview?m=tm&bn=26510&tid=6242&mid=6242&tof=2&frt=2
you will see someone ask about zvue and that they bought it at 7$ and asked what they should do now and beanie1111 responds to that person by LMAO@U!! "Laughing my ass off at you" WoW surpraised me to see that from a guy who says he believes in his picks, what happened to this one. You give up already on it or do you just like laughing at the ones who lose money on your picks. Must be funning to laugh at someone elses hard earned money just disapear.
Hope people see you for what you really are. Im just warning the rest of you that read his messages to be warned he is not who you think he is.
Ok folks, starting next week i will make recommendations a different way and will focus on day/swing trades since most of you keep on asking about your stocks just about every day. (Maybe i'll charge ya 10 bucks per question if you keep on at it! lol)
I'll try to give ya 1-2 stocks per day.
Please note that the reason i can't answer all your questions is because it can be time consuming and i need to watch my positions and make new trades.
I think you folks will like the new format. We'll see.
want to see the message again, can
you print the link again, Want to see for myself. tried zvue messg board is empty.
Still waiting to hear who on this blog pumped MBIR last Wednesday at $0.22 and when it dropped to $0.07 on Friday said he/she sold it at $0.23 but didn't bother to tell us. Its those kind of posters that will ruin this board and that would be a shame because there is lots of good trading ideas here providing you have the discipline to sell right. Perhaps everyone who posts here should have an identity?
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