CMCSK's triple play
I'm gonna finish the hdtv trend with CMCSK. Comcast offers phone, internet and cable services. That's very convenient for the consumer as they get all their services all in one bill.
Intermediate to longer term play.
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The last few years have been great to me, as i was able to clobber the S&P500 many times in returns. But of course, you can't make a living trading the markets if you don't make great great returns. I'll try to give my readers trades that i think will make them money. However, you need to have money management skills, in order not to lose everything on a greedy or stupid trade. I may or may not already be in the trades i recommend. I may or may not trade the stocks i recommend. Due diligence is required on your part and the usual disclaimer that i am not responsible for your losses always apply. I have no affiliations with any broker/dealer and all posts are for educational purposes only. Remember to 'refresh' the home page and the "Comments" pages frequently in order to receive updated posts. Let's rock!
wow, hard to imagine this company finally becoming profitable.
XNN: I personally liked the results. Let's see how other traders react today.
Cramer, is that you?
xnn - That is def a plus. Beanie is right, will go higher in long run, but hard determine what inverstors are going to do today with that stock...Brett....Smsi is killing me beanie, lol...14.75 sh offer....what is that all about?? lol
Could you provide some insight on "ENTRY POINT" for a trade(short term, medium term). My entry points have been utter failures so far.
the best entry points (in terms of a daytrade) is to buy the morning dip, never (well, in rare circumstances where news is great) the morning gap up.
SMSI: support now at mid 13's. Investors don't like this company as it keeps on selling shares. I think they're probably gonna buy out another company.
New IPO GLS is now trading... BUY!!
sorry, but I gotta butt in: People here have been asking about XNN every 20 mins, expecting some sort of miracle answer. if you got in when Beanie advised you to and then followed his directions yesterday, you would be significantly up! If you got in late -- well then perhaps be prepared to hold a bit longer. reading people complain about not getting answers or insinuate that they're not happy with the answers they're hearing is pathetic. rant over.
AKAM: going to 70. You dont believe?
IMAX: i recommend you folks look into this stock as a recovery play. I will soon recommend this stock officially.
closing above 4.20 is positive.
IMAX trading at 4.20 right now.
I got no position yet.
You beginning to see why i say to have most of your money in big stocks rather than small ones? When the market rallies, big stocks move up with it. Can't say the same for the small speculative stocks.
Anyone have comments on GUID? Its now above 17
I like GUID -- personally, I think it'll settle in the low 20's (though perhaps not for a little while still).
I took a small position in NUVO when Beanie mentioned it as a speculative play. Anyone have any thoughts about this one? On the one hand, there's a chance it seems that the Phase III trial will be re-initiated. On the other Bayer could just walk away and send the PPS down even more. The co. has lots of cash, but they're going to burn through it pretty quickly with R&D. In short: any news, whether good or bad is going to have a dramatic effect on this stock, imo.
Someone here mentioned SIM yesterday -- I'd stay away from this for a while yet (unless you're short selling--which I am not). Oversupply of steel and an impending secondary offering are going to send this one lower still.
Any comments on RNIN - seems tobe going the ZVUE way -
Hey Beanie,
What do u think of GOAM? Looks like it breaking out today.
XNN conference call, very impressive!
You should listen in to the XNN CC! They have their act together! They sound a lot more competent than the ZVUE CC I listened to a few weeks ago.
DECT: seems kinda cheap. Don't know why it's only 15 million market cap.
didn't really like the cc.
they can never give you a straight answer when it comes to the fundamentals. always saying "call me back and we will go over that with you" Bull**** if I may say so. XNN going down the pit
Whats going on with LMRA? Good test result and it can't seem to stay up. should I get rid of my shares? Please help
Call me crazy but, but after listeing to the CC on XNN I am now a long term holder of this stock and I hope it goes down alot because I plan on increasing my pos.
More than once this week I have clicked ion this web site:
And I am sure it will be used again!!
re:XNN "If you had done what Beanie said, blah blah blah!" Beanie said something like "It's unbelievable, but I think it is going to 5 today!"
That got a lot of people back in! Then he says the other stuff and about not holding if you did not get in under 260. At this point, people said, "Well maybe I'll take a chance!" I'm holding. but he blew this one!
it's not beanie's sounds as if greed got in the way of your thinking
i did notice beanie changing his opinion sometimes on XNN, but i think he's just like the rest of us & emotions get in the way
I think the point is that we're all responsible for our own trades. If you're looking only to Beanie (as sharp and accurate as I think he is) to make your decisions for you, you need to stop trading and reevaluate your strategies. Beanie changes sentiment with market conditions - -but he has consistently, consistently urged people to take profits and not to get greedy. consistent 10-20% gains will do more for you in the long run than waiting for the huge 10 bagger. JMO
I agree with the previous posters. Anyone here who is losing on today's huge market rise has no business trading stocks.
Enuff said!
ZVUE: cr*p! My new name is: "bagholder"
I tried to warn you guys that XNN looked weak yesterday before the close. Beanie had specific instructions, don't blame him. He gave you a great stock and if you had paid attention you would've made some good money on it. Beanie does this for free, appreciate it or get into a mutual fund!!!!!
Beanie said several times.. only those who got in under $3 hold thru the earnings.. rest should stay away unless you have extra cash to burn...
you are a tool if you dont pay attention
DECT: i glanced thru the financials too quickly. Earnings was for 9 months but tiny relative to revenues. Debt is at $14 million. But still, i think it's cheap.
I got no position.
What kind of tool????
GOAM: i keep on watching this and it keeps on going up. I never bought. How many deaf people are there?
I use Beanie's recommendations as an opportunity to learn from him. If he says a particular stock is a buy, I do my own DD to see why he said so. When I found this blog, I did some back-trading on his picks to see why he chose a certain stock. I've bought some of his picks and some I haven't BECAUSE it's my money. Be a student, not a Lemming.
Beanie is a better man than I am. I don't know if I could spend as much energy/time as he does interacting with ungratefuls. He gives educated opinions. He does not have a crystal ball.
He informed me of XNN which allowed me to build up nearly $3K, only to lose around $2.2K because of my stupid moves.
Beanie, I for one hope you ignore those who do not appreciate you.
XNN: It'll be alright. Traders took the opportunity to take profits today. I sold most of my position at $3.80 and held onto a little bit (which i suggest you all do). I am looking to rebuy a large position as soon as it bottoms.
When will this bottom? I want to buy!
Sold out of RNIN for a loss. Doesnt look like its going anywhere soon......
Hi Beanie:
I am holding MED but it is not doing well. Would you sell MED making some losses to enter into another stock or would you hold it ???
Where's Pam???
Hi Beanie and Board,
Just woke up ...recovery stock?
IMAX ...will hold XNN still..
ZVUE blows for now...
I understand this madness, LOL
Need new play IMAX GOAM, Thanks Beanie
I'm in with you in ZVUE!!!! got in the low 4s and i think its about to pop. Lets hope so
You see, my ears were ringing...
Hi everyone !!!
What's going on?
Hi Neil,
Late nite...going back to work on Mon. for 5 days, then off for 2 weeks. What's up ZVUE about to pop?
hope so...LOL
MED is a keeper. At support right now.
Buying XNN at 2.70 as I speak!
Hi Beanie,
Think I'll buy XNNN at the LOD
Only a little CASH is KING
MED would like too!
What about MAMA dead?
Hey JSPADE, Pam,
ZVUE beginning to look a little oversold. Let's see what happens on this one. Despite it being a good day for the markets, I've been sitting it out. I'm watching GUID to see where it settles, LVLT to see what happens when/if it tests $6, TLAB--one of my favourite undervalued stocks for 2007, NENG--has been creeping up on low volume--I'm holding this one, but with a tight stop sell. Hope you're having a good day,
Bought 1,000 shares of XNN for recovery purposes..MED has 300 shares.
IMAX is brewing
Hi Neil
Love it when the market has a good day...S&P 500. Thanks for suggestions want to get into IMAX
Think I'm going to add to my position of ZVUE, bottom fish and pray. Beanie, what cha tink ...LOL
wow, daytraders ripping this one to the moon.
If ya gonna play, play small.
Personally, I would hold off on averaging down on ZVUE. Watch where it closes and then see how it behaves tomorrow -- then possibly getting in during the late afternoon (sellers tend to come out on Friday). You agree Beanie?
Beanie -
Do you think XNN will continue to drop?
Could DECT be the next PNTR? lol
stay tuned...
yes, i agree. ZVUE, as i've said before, will continue to consolidate until we see big news that shows they can monetize their sites.
first support 2.50
second support 2.00
load up the freakin boat if it gets to $2!
XNN: It's always easier to call a top than a bottom on a stock.....I don't know if the MA20 is significant. When a stock is moving like this, do moving averages even mean anything anymore?
Beanster and Neil,
Otay, I'll wait and your right, Friday is sellers day...My original purchase is up in the heavens like 5.00 something...
DECT kickin butt
That is strage beanie. You got no position in DECT? It was obvious. LOL
lol gosu.
I want you folks to note that DECT has similar financials to DECT. If DECT breaks 10, it'll see 15.
DECT: If you want in, you should already be in by now. Please don't be buying anymore. Just look to take 1/2 off somewhere tomorrow and the last 1/2 next week.
if you purchased DECT at 6 or below, do yourself a favor and sell 1/2 today. That way you simply cannot lose money.
DTV: Beanie, I'm looking to add more to my position in DTV. Would you be a buyer at end of day today or would you wait until morning?
AMD: this stock has bottomed. Great intermediate to longer term play.
i think you should wait a few days before adding DTV. It could see 24. We'll see.
Beanie, so, you have given up on GOAM. Too late?
XNN: i got my free shares and moving on. What about you?
NYX...sell today and buy back on a possible dip tomorrow or next week?? This stock hasn't really done anything in weeks, and usually gives back whatever gains its made....
mark the rat
ok folks, i just posted a new small cap recommendation.
Have a great daya and i'll see ya tomorrow.
i never played GOAM. I don't like a business that's losing too much money and i'm not sure about its potential.
NLST, go baby. Beanie, you mentioned this as a trade. Where would you trade it? Also EPIX? Thanks
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