- Name: beanie11111
- Location: USA
The last few years have been great to me, as i was able to clobber the S&P500 many times in returns. But of course, you can't make a living trading the markets if you don't make great great returns.
I'll try to give my readers trades that i think will make them money. However, you need to have money management skills, in order not to lose everything on a greedy or stupid trade. I may or may not already be in the trades i recommend. I may or may not trade the stocks i recommend. Due diligence is required on your part and the usual disclaimer that i am not responsible for your losses always apply. I have no affiliations with any broker/dealer and all posts are for educational purposes only. Remember to 'refresh' the home page and the "Comments" pages frequently in order to receive updated posts.
Let's rock!
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- Piper Jaffray is increasing their tgt on Jones Soda (NASDAQ:JSDA) to $31 from $18 saying margin expansion is driving the model as the company potentially achieves 30% ACV in FY07 and 50% in FY08 of its premium private label brand. Firm believes that the initial pipeline fill is shipping and being shelved (targeted goal of Memorial Day) as expected.
The potential 2H07 "risk" remains as a sell-through period versus the 1H07 channel fill, which may be offset by marketing initiatives. The company continues to invest in human capital, most recently hiring Mr. Peter Burns as SVP of Sales/Marketing.
Piper expects Jones Soda to also invest in its brand through product line launches or extensions, over time.
They are maintaining their FY07 EPS estimate of $0.21. They are also increasing their FY08 EPS estimate by $0.10 to $0.45 based on total revenue growth of 40.8% to $69.4 million versus $63.0 million prior (and conservatively flat gross margin). Reiterates Outperform.
CEGE edging up in premarket.. Has anyone ever looked at the AMX/TMX combo? I've had AMX for a couple years now. Solid cash machine
JDSA to $50 by year end is my target
CEGE to $10 by year end is my target :-).
Sorry to say that but when the same stock (JSDA) is being recommended every post, it is starting to look as pumping up.
Also it is really interesting to look on broader range of stocks, not only 5 all-the-time-mentioned.
Just a friendly comment in order to broaden the stock range.
ICE is on its way to 155!
Anyone holding Bidu....
What is your thought?
I am debating to dump it or keep it...
short term sell signal triggered at JSDA
oozze -
dump BIDU, then pick-up a bunch of GIGM
- Van G
beanie -
what is you YE2007 target for NYX?
also, who will perform better:
JSDA or NYX???
TIA, beanie.....
- Van G
crap, why oh why did i not buy NBIX when i spotted it :(
I think they're about the same but NYX will get to $250 by next June is my opinion. NYX is a better stock and company than JSDA.
DNDN is a very speculative play, but if fda gets on their side, it's going to $60
Go DNDN !!!
Beanie, why the sudden change of heart for JSDA?
No change of heart. I love JSDA. I am a daytrader so i gotta make my daily money too you know.
Great longer term play.
fair enough.. i'll hold onto it for a couple months, see what happens...
have any more pharma plays that may be having FDA announcements soon? (ie. DNDN, CEGE, IDMI, etc, etc.)
DNDN is the only i like, but it's an all or nothing play.
Back to $3 or onwards to $60
JSDA ready to rock
So the Jones 12 pack of cans at Target used to be $3.99. Now they have a "new low price" sticker of $2.50. Also, note that Target has a exclusive licensing deal with Jones to sell the can in the fridge pack. I wonder how much the $1.50 price cut hurts Jones versus Target.
Could someone be so kind as to clarify for me an application of the IRS Wash Rule. I just installed some accounting software and I'm a bit confused.
Does the wash rule only apply SOLELY to a stock sold at the end of the year, in my case December 31; so that someone is prevented from selling a stock in December, just to quickly buy it back, (within 30 days), in January to get a tax loss for that particular stock in that particular year?
Or does the wash rule also apply broadly across the board, all throughout the year, for any stock bought and sold for instance in June of 2006?
In this 2nd example if someone repeatedly bought and sold AAPL in June of 2006 and had some loses and some gains, would the loses be rendered unusable by the wash rule if someone wasn't using mark-to-market?
Thanks in advance.
Arun, I am with you in CEGE. I put a pretty good portion of my money into it. This is a very long term play. Hold it tight my friend. It should go up slowly and nicely. It should pass $10 before year end IMO.
DNDN goes up today because there is a rumor that DNA may take over it.
Wal, I think the wash rule applies broadly across the board, all throughout the year. However, I think it does not apply to day traders. I could be wrong :-).
Does the wash rule only apply SOLELY to a stock sold at the end of the year, in my case December 31; so that someone is prevented from selling a stock in December, just to quickly buy it back, (within 30 days), in January to get a tax loss for that particular stock in that particular year?
Or does the wash rule also apply broadly across the board, all throughout the year, for any stock bought and sold for instance in June of 2006?YES
anyone know why OPBL.OB popped today?? any comments appreciated i bought in and sold out for a profit cause i dont know why it popped just hopped on
This is the bible for wash sales and Mark to market accounting
Try to get a subscription at Gainskeeper.com That will do all of the accounting work for you for wash sales etc.
I feel its worth it!
Got in to JSDA at $25 this morning... Glad I did. P/E of 137 a bit odd though.
Thanks elmyko1
BOT 6000 OPBL 6.95
SLD 6000 OPBL 7.11
hey no problem you know why it popped
i was checking yahoo board but i dont believe anything i hear there. OPBL.OB seems like it doesnt want to stop today
I want to get back in with unsettled funds but i dont want scottrade to get mad at me again.
Should I worry abt a sell off in OPBL for the rest of the day?
i have the same problem, OPBL seems to be gaining strength, now i dont know whether to hold or to sell???
energy, coal,natural gas , steel stocks ....very close to topping...next two days...probably Mon....
Beanie, Alok, Gosu, Dr. ZZZ and everyone,
What is your prediction for next week? I am confused here after 6 consecutive up days for the DOW and NASD.
Next week I think the market will be lower, primarily because of people selling to meet tax obligations.
But longer term from next week, I do not see any crash/correction.
picking up APC may 45 PUTS 1.85......reached 200 day...might spend one day above 200 day...on Monday...after that ...APC comes down....not enough forward..EPS...
holding XOM may 75 puts...
Austin, i'm going to put my neck on the line and say that we will probably see some strong sectors. oil will go down (i dont think it should be above 60) so you'll see airlines go up, probably solar stocks should go up, and your exchanges.
rest of the mkt might be weak for the first couple of day, i think we'll pull back to 12400 level and then push back up.
whats better then scottrade??
Interactive Brokers, even Ameritrade Izone isn't bad.. I can refer you! :)
Yea but dont you need at least 25 grand i am only investing with lets see 7800 bucks right now.
Thank you DJFSMR, gosu, Alok and everyone who posted your prediction :-).
Interactive broker.....forget everybody else......$2 roundtrip trades.....try and find that somewhere else...
IB minimum is only 2000 dollars.
25K is required for day trading account, but that is the case everywhere.
Yea sounds sweet whats there website
Do you have some DNDN? Remember last friday, I said pick up a 1000 shares at 12.92 at end of the day. Sold 250 today at 18.00, just to take some profit. I really hope you're right about it going higher.
What's with AAPL, I'm still waiting for a correction to get back in, but it's staying up there!?
IB - http://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/main.php
hey sgv,
will you eventually do yourself a favor by selling to take your principle out and play with house's money on DNDN?
My bullishness on DNDN is contingent upon fda approval. There's still a slight chance that the fda doesn't approve, although i think is unlikely. The fda has their hands tied because the patients want the drug and they are pleading desperately. So it's an emotional issue rather than technical, because normally the fda would not approve it after seeing DNDN's data.
Yes, eventually I plan to do just that, I learned my lessons well not to push my luck too much. I bought DNDN on margins. I just place a limit sell order tomorrow and take out all my margins. Thanks for your concern.
It's good tidy profit for a few days wait. Good luck for tomorrow's trade.
svg, mkts closed tomorrow, you'll have to wait till monday.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alok, from your query on the other board:
Looking at the fib retrace spanning the 2/20 high of 12785 to the 3/14 low of 11952, we are presently smack between the 61.8% and 78.6% retrace fib lines at 12560. Ceiling should be 12604 (which is the 78.6% line) and floor of support should be at 12470 (61.8% line).
Should also be some near term support at the 12500 level. Ultimate target is 100% retrace at 12785, but I'm doubting we get there at this point....
Anyone smarter than me got an answer for this?
IWM is the substitute for the RUT 2000 Index... it's a tradeable ETF where you can see volume, etc, so it's a little easier to look at than $rut, in my opinion.
Anyway, it's supposed to mirror $RUT exactly, since that's all it is, and if you lay their charts on one another, they do match almost exactly everywhere.
Except end of day today, where IWM sold off right at the end while $RUT got near HOD.
Anyone know what the flu with that?
MNST.../ MAN...will either go down some more .....because of FRI..employment report ...or will be gapped up on MON...because of employment report...
JAKE....I think we get to double top...70/30.....I ran INTC numbers on latest post....INTC ...looks good...
The same thing happens with the DIA...some one ...maybe ALOK...told me those ETF'S are based on future's
price...or some such....
Gosu...people.. can trade options with $100...in the IB>>>account....one hundred dollars...though it’s a circumstance, i wouldn’t recommend...for anyone.......
have any more pharma plays that may be having FDA announcements soon?
Take a look at ENCY. Third try for FDA Approval in 6/15. It just shot up over 30% this week. Don't know why. Maybe news are leaking.
Does anyone have access to real time short interest data? I need it for BOOM for April. I have it for earlier months. I'm looking for short interest change from the close of last month.
I think the squeeze I've looking for might start soon.
Jake - thanks for the heads up.
Just curious, anyone follow me into CNMD from my post last monday?
>>>>walstinvestor said...
CNMD breaking out to new highs on volume.
Mon Apr 02, 10:22:00 AM EDT<<<<<
Look at the nice uptick in volume on this move.
Starting to get overbought on the RSI and slow stochastics but deserves a spot on watchlist for pullbacks.
What do you guys think about POT?
Jake, thanks for the info. next week thats what i expect, the dow to make a push above 12600 and then fall back to your 12470 line before starting the next run up.
about your other question, one possible explanation could be that ETF's have a higher volume than the actual Futures. not everyone has access to the Futures mkt, but everyone can trade the ETF's and so even though they are supposed to be a mirror of each other, in reality they are not exact mirrors images. they can and do vary a little not much. normally such variations are inconspicuous and insiginificant. however maybe due to the long weekend the difference got accentuated. ETF's like DIA, SPY, RUT, QQQQ are just that, ETF's and should normally lag the futures mkt by just a few seconds if any. hope this helps, i just learnt this yesterday lol, amazing you asked me today.
i just learned this today...
NBR...just raised POT price target to $195....next time POT at the 50 day....I’m buying....
Gosu, Love to smoke it
anon lmao
The Chart is smoking hot too.
Hi Beanie and ALOK,
Need to do some serious damage control on Monday for that poor blunder trade PSDV.
Cramer is pumping SPAR, big time...
May pick up DNDN or JSDA out of desperation to find a decent trading stock, serious money...
Pam, lol haven't you been reading, everyone is predicting a correction next week so be careful, monday could be very tricky. besides both JSDA and DNDN are over extended, please dont chase them here. there should be other movers for next week that someone will be able to point us to. IMO.
Folks be careful with Jones, stock gapped up huge and is way beyond the 200dma. Looks overbought right now.
Pam, lol haven't you been reading, everyone is predicting a correction next week
My prediction is no crash for next week.
Only slight dips.
Markets in the intermediate term are going to be sideways to up trend. Also at this time, all dips are buying opportunities.
Having said that I see limited upside potential.
So what to make of all this - buy buy buy on dips. Any pullback on your favorite stocks are buys. and sell on rallies. You will get an opportunity the very next week to buy at a lower price.
Its amazing how dips and rallies are happening on a weekly basis. Alternate weeks are dips and the next week is a rally.
PAM-- do yourself a favor and stay away from any stocks trading under $5.00.
I'm not being condescending but speaking from experience. There's a reason that they are trading under $5.00, and it usually means there's too much risk to eff around with them on the retail level. In fact, if you want to be really disciplined, stay away from anything under $10.00. In the over $10 territory, you have substantial institutional presence, which mitigates volatility.
I believe DNDN will see $30 before May 15 fda announcment. So you can sell some near $30.
SeekingAlpha is making a 360% turn and is now very bullish on DNDN (should we go contrarian now? lol), calling it the next Genentech (hey, that guy reads this blog, or at least reads Beanie's message board spams!!! roflmao).
Anyways, i have no doubt in the mind that as we get near that May 15 date, traders will bid this thing up above $30. That's a 70% gain from here.
ALOK - you said that ppl are predicting a crash next week, where are they saying that? Just one more inquiring mind, thanks.
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