Drink your Jones Soda (JSDA)!!!
Granted, the stock is overbought immediate term but it's one of the best stocks out there with a tremendous upside and little downside. If you're scared of this market and the crazy housing sector and just don't know what to do, park your money at JSDA (and park even more on any dips)!
That's my humble advice to you and it may turn out to be the best advice.
I'm putting a $50 price target by year end.
And hey, while you're at it, have some SMSI as well.
I am giving it a $40 price target by year end.
Leave it to the Beazer to cause the markets some problems Wednesday morning.
It's show time for Helicopter Ben. He better say something really great and reassuring.
I suspect the Dow will most likely be on its way back to the low 12000 unless Benanke induces a gigantic rally tomorrow.
Like cramer says, back up 2 trucks!
The stock closed above the 50dayMA on Tuesday.
Hope everything is fine with you and your family Beanie.
Thanks. For now everything is ok, but i may have to leave again when the time arises.
See ya in the morning!
Hey Beanie, Zee, Gosu, ETC... What do you make of this IRA... NYX..ICE..FSLR..JSDA..NOV..TSTC..TLT..?..SKI
Don't mind me ... I am just checkin' the place out. :)
Carry on.
looks like some A-hole on walstreet saw Cramer's video and took it to heart, oil jumped to 68 last night. now we will all be paying for his profits in the gas station tonight when they raise the price of gas by who know 30 cents/gl.
SKI does TSTC give you headaches at times, i'm thinking of getting in if i can find a good entry point.
Anybody speculating on NUVO today?
Hey Beanie, your SMSI is making me rich. Glad to see you got your mojo back! :-)
For real dude...anytime a trader is in the game, all suggestions help! Don't forget, we have The Beanster calling big shots...he is THE MAN..you can be # 2 all though
we never know where our next leader is coming from...look at The Bush family..who could predict GB junior would F K up this county as well as he did. Sorry Board, Clinton, Gore, are my kind of people...Everyone is trying to make $$$ with Him as the Captain..
Will not go back into ZROS to volatile..Thanks anyway unless we go ger in and out
CMGI is down pre-market...NUVO up 6c pre-.
Thanks Cramer for your comments...which R accurate...
Beanz, got some SMSI yesterday... calls.
Ski -- I think the IRA should make peace with the Ulster Orangeman. There's been too much bloodshed over the years.
Fugghedaboud Helicopter Ben... the only one who's gonna turn this thing around is Helicopter Sulu in Japan with his carry trade. Dollar down almost a fully yen last night.... BANZAI!!!
Trading Goddess -- isn't that the babe with the bottom line goggelly pictures on her blog? I'm waiting for a picture of HER!
Gore? Dude's nuttier than Ted Turner. Geez Louise, the sheep to be shorn....
If I could be so bold as to suggest a long term hold? CHK is perhaps the finest natural gas company extant, and the CEO puts his money where his mouth is... bought more than $75 million of stock for his own account last year. Buy it, and fugghedaboudit.
Thanks Jakegint,
Any suggestions is appreciated
That's what this board is all about. NOT LOSING MONEY!!!
Ted Turner still married to Jane
Fonda...can't remember..
Pam fla
GS and BSC look good to go today as well, along with AKAM (although AKAM may get hung up just below 49 on the 23.6% Fib line.)
Down, that is.
FSLR down a point, but the greenest thing on my screen (figuratively and literally) is SPWR. Bizarre.
Short BZH at the market open? what do ya think? Still more downside?
No, I think Turner dumped her when she converted to Christianity. Said it was for "losers." Whattaguy.
I think she's married to Ho Chi Minh now...
HOKU up pre-mkt
Anon... I'd wait on it. It's already down 11% premarket. Wait'll it bounces to about 5-7% down or so.
Better off getting some GS puts here, I think.
Can anyone tell me what time is Big Bens Talk? I have to drive back up to school but i dont want to be on the rode when he speaks...Thanx...Brett
Brett he starts yapping at 10:30
Little chinese film maker... and no, not John Loo (sp?) the karate film guy, but FFHL up 6% or so in premarket... worth a look for a possible GOSU flip....
For the cautionary types... $10.60 on volume is breakout for FFHL.
my favorite short CAL looks like it'll be down at least 60 centiemes this morning.
Jake great call shorting airlines with the rising OIL. hope you make some dough today.
Too too funny! LOL
I think she's a parapalegic as well!!! don't have time to look up correct spelling
beanie, any thoughts on the market? do you think we are heaaded down to test the lows at 1364 on s&P? thanks
YIKEESSSSS another down day? what time does Big Ben speak?
YIKEESSSSS another down day? what time does Big Ben speak?
FFHL ain't down... past my breakout point as well, for all concerned....
ONSM is a buy here guys
Staying out of the market right now. But as always watching like a hawk.
NYX going gongbusters again. Man! this Cramer guy still openly does stock manipulation.
Thank You Cramer!
BOT NYX Apr 85 Call @ $3.70
SLD NYX Apr 85 Call @ $12.30
Did you guys see the high vol spike in GMKT when it momentarily hit $18? GMKT is up again today in yet another shitty day for the market!
This is no coincidence. Something is in the works.
the trains have left their stations!!!
SMSI - you need to be in when 20 breaks
alok what you doin with ASTI
next leg down?
Hi Beanie,
Your take on the market tommorow
and day after.
Appreciate the info
Is AAPL tooking like a short here?
We are going down 100 point on DOW today. What's your opinion Beanie?
Because of an analyst sell rating yesterday, this stock should correct in the short term.
FSLR a buy here? Or let it come in some more?
ben seems to think things are contained in housing...market up since his remarks began.
LMRA Anyone
Anon, I sold 2/3rds of my position at 10 a few days back, i'm holding on to 1/3rd right now. i don't think i'll be selling at these levels. i'll hold it till the mkt gets back to normal and this goes above 10. if we see ASTI going below 8 then I might buy some back.
On the lighter side:
A Potential Op-Ed by Lou Dobbs.
Lou Dobbs Presumably Angry Over Indian Call Center Lock on 'American Idol'
Indian call center workers may be using our American-made phones and speed dials against us to vote for Sanjaya Malakar, the 17-year old Idol hopeful of Indian descent. It's time to send the Indians a message that says, "It's okay for you to tell me about cable television packages, but it's not okay to vote on my Idol." This is an alarm to all Americans to wake up and vote against him, or else be sentenced to the Indian way of life, one where we eat spicy foods, become exceeding punctual, and have really long weddings. And no one, least of all my sour ass, wants that."
The market most likely will retest the previous lows.
Helicopter Ben didn't impress.
JADE getting stronger in a weaker mkt.
this stock is very strong, despite being immediate term overbought
bears are so bad.
they will get fried this year, when they overpress.
Beanie do you still think that we will retest the lows 12000?
Hey Alok... Yes TSTC has given me headaches; matter of fact it's been nothing but a headache thus far cause I bought near 52 week high at 10.75. But I'm holing it long term,so....we'll see..........SKI
Jake howz it going, you must be very busy today?
SKI would you be interested in doubling down, I am definitely looking at it hard. it move a lot and very fast. I'm looking at that and JASO for some quick money. We can try to time this sucker.
I hope i start a debate with this, especially with the ANON who blasted me a few days back.
This just doesn't make any sense. the mkt should not be heading up, it should have been tanking. Had we had the same conditions in 05/06 i'm sure we would be seeing 100 point down days regularly instead of these quick bounces from bottoms. Obviously someone is buying at the bottoms and the bulls seem to be winning. Looks like the presidential cycle is going to play out this yr to keep the trend. does anybody have any take on this.
(not that i'm complaining since i'm long)
ALOK... Nah, I'm content with 300 shares..(TSTC, that is)...SKI
BIDU just broke below 100
anyone short GCO with me? wait till they rebuff foot locker. tanksville coming.
EXEG - Check out the 3 day chart. Does anyone have any info on waht is going on here??
still short GS, and hopefully will get my timing right for WFR, it will gap up first market up day.
The mighty brokerages are falling down hard. This can't be good. If the owners of these companies are selling their shares, it means that the insiders know something, and I won't bet against them.
I like Amgn...It’s in a $5 channel 61 down to 56....plus the 500mil loss from black labeling ...only shows up as less than 5% of down on EPS...I conclude Amgn is way oversold...it’s a buy and hold...BUY AMGN May 52.5 Call = 4.90....
Can't agree more on the brokerages. GS acting like it's headed to 180 - 190 level.
This is what I am thinking:
If markets keep going down for this week, I will load up Friday evening.
If markets retest the lows by end of this week, April 2 will be the day markets roar back up 200 points.
Lets see.
GDP ....est 2.2%...tomorrow.....I hope It comes in line...and there isn’t any other (neg)..market news, this helps INTC ...in turn helps the qqqq....
Gold going higher, dejavu ?
If I have to buy anything right now, I will be buying USO and GLD.
With the summer driving season, I think crude oil will retest the 77 dollar level. This sucker will keep going up till August.
And with dollar going down against other currencies, especially China will be diversifying into GLD.
GS should of dipped below 205, i wonder if the buyback is in effect ...
GOSU ...you have apr 2 right... ISM coming in bullish...51.2....estimate...
Damn, Bill Cara was right
Gosu... the oil pit guys are already talking about .HURRICANES......(that's a last gasp of air, sort of a headline.)
....However Today’s crude oil supply report was bearish.....Iran story might run out of legs...might see a drop...in oil...
Who brought up AVCI here? Brilliant!
STP entry price $33.71...
My feeling is that the Iran story has just started.
zee dont you think the guys in the oil pit were getting desperate to move OIL. i mean they started the Iran rummor yesterday and already talking about hurricanes. somebody has some ulterior motive.
I say oil prices stable to down tomorrow . we may get 77 oil, but not in this cycle..... GDP up....market up....
Navellier on GIGM Earnings - "STUNNING!"
From his "Emerging Growth" newsletter today...
"GigaMedia (GIGM): Sales were up 155%! Earnings were up 325%. Now these earnings were 36% better than expectations. That’s a huge surprise! And, actually, their sales were almost 5% better than analysts expected, so GIGM is a great buy right now. Those results were simply stunning."
"The truth of the matter is that this is a growth year. The last seven years were value years. 2007 is finally, finally the year for growth stocks."
From Beanie yesterday:
I want you folks to own some GIGM and SMSI. One or BOTH will become 10-baggers!!!!!!!
Jake... I wish I had the GCO puts now..I messed up...
This is what I was talking about:
Tensions in the Gulf
If the Iranian/UK situation deteriorates further, oil could hit $100 or more.
ZZZ or any other oil experts,
Do you know how to trade the oil only not XLE, VLO, or XOM? Is there anyway to buy call options on the oil?
Right now it is about $64 a barrel. It can rise pass $70 easily. That's 10% for sure right there.
Yes, Alok, busy today... bunch of meetings and such, not much time to post.
Did enjoy the downpresser today... IWM Rut-rohs up nicely, and took half my profits on the CAL puts, even though I'm pretty sure there's more on the bone there...
Got some of that FFHL this mornng, and it's about even. SMSI hanging in there. Got out of the XOMPO's (XOM puts April 75's) even though I regretted it a bit later... Still, if oil keeps rising like the Gose fears...
Oh yes, and GS... let's not forget about GS, people.
Zee, check out that SU... glad I stayed away....
Another energy related long I've had in my IRA for a long time is Mirant. I actually bought the preferred's while it was still in bankruptcy and instead of getting cash, I got a bunch of the new stock... at about $21. It's over $40 now, and it's just been doing this steady grind up for a while now... I think it might be a buyout candidate, FWIW.
Sorry, symbol is "MIR" and they also have A and B warrants which move a little more quickly than the underlying stock. They are in the teens and early twenties, as I recall.
I'd like to confirm my thoughts on my AAPL holdings; sold half today at 94, I see some weakness maybe that might extends a few weeks or months. Do you see the same trend? Would appreciate your opinion. Thanks.
DNA has a similar channel as AMGN somewhere in the range of 79-86.
anyones take on JASO, seems to be moving bet 16.5 to 20. I might get into this if the mkt is positive tomorrow.
Jake I cannot see your chart, i don't think you can pass the link if you use the free version of stockcharts.
I was in MIR like you but i sold it long back (when will i learn).
Guys, I know I've been beating the BOOM drum a lot. Please read this analysis by Btuff:
BOOM is just starting a leg up. I rec'd it here at $29 a week ago, it closed at 32.83. 30.63% of the float is short, and earnings will be announced on or before 4/27. I have SOLID information that they will crush expectations (the company issued very conservative guidance for 1Q notwithstanding).
I have a blog on the company:
Thanks for listening.
jake After i saw SU performing so strong yesterday...i got out...didn’t want any part of what might come....I will probably short at these levels, however...I welcome an SU double top, so I can watch SU...die die die...
austin ....i keep checking month to month for options on USO....none yet....keep checking...
PS - 71300 shares traded after hours on 300k daily volume. Short covering is just beginning.
IF war breaks out ,,,myra says $100...she's a twit anyway....
go here to get well managed stories on what the oil guys are up to....
Thank you ZZZ.
scroll down and find Aloron....Under North american Daily...
aloron thinks we are headed to $76....
when you getting back into WYNN...
you got out of AAPL right time.
From the charts, it's saying consolidation for likely a few weeks.
What a great post RE: SANJAYA on Idol. I'm so disappointed with this entire DRAMA, SHIT on the show.
He has got to go...How can we get him off? Had no clue this was a political move on the part of THE INDIANS...Man, I live near Miami which is now considered a 'THIRD WORLD COUNTRY' ACCORDING TO The outspoken Colorado politician.
What a hoot !!!!
It's rough down here okay !!! Hate it in FLA.
Do you believe this?
Operation Bite - April 6 Sneak Attack By US Forces On Iran Planned
Not very sneaky if its all over the web is it?
Check out TGEN...ready to move up again.
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