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The last few years have been great to me, as i was able to clobber the S&P500 many times in returns. But of course, you can't make a living trading the markets if you don't make great great returns. I'll try to give my readers trades that i think will make them money. However, you need to have money management skills, in order not to lose everything on a greedy or stupid trade. I may or may not already be in the trades i recommend. I may or may not trade the stocks i recommend. Due diligence is required on your part and the usual disclaimer that i am not responsible for your losses always apply. I have no affiliations with any broker/dealer and all posts are for educational purposes only. Remember to 'refresh' the home page and the "Comments" pages frequently in order to receive updated posts. Let's rock!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

GIGA: I just got back home and blogging this now.

While on the road, i called in to check on GIGA, which at the time was in the $5.8's after a $6.19 close. Whenever i see such excitement in volume and a strong closing but the stock is down afterhours, i usually sell and ask questions later. And that is exactly what i did - in the $5.8's . I would see what the stock does tomorrow morning before re-entry. Looks like it may be some shorties scaring the longs into selling, which caused a domino effect. Remember, a stock can be played both ways. Just as it can be bought up for a profit, it can also be shorted down for a profit.

USEG: i re-entered USEG afterhours. It hasn't really closed the gap yet at $5.40, but the current price is a 50% retracement of the gains from the run that started at $4. Let's see what shakes tomorrow.



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