While on the road, i called in to check on GIGA, which at the time was in the $5.8's after a $6.19 close. Whenever i see such excitement in volume and a strong closing but the stock is down afterhours, i usually sell and ask questions later. And that is exactly what i did - in the $5.8's . I would see what the stock does tomorrow morning before re-entry. Looks like it may be some shorties scaring the longs into selling, which caused a domino effect. Remember, a stock can be played both ways. Just as it can be bought up for a profit, it can also be shorted down for a profit.
USEG: i re-entered USEG afterhours. It hasn't really closed the gap yet at $5.40, but the current price is a 50% retracement of the gains from the run that started at $4. Let's see what shakes tomorrow.
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