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The last few years have been great to me, as i was able to clobber the S&P500 many times in returns. But of course, you can't make a living trading the markets if you don't make great great returns. I'll try to give my readers trades that i think will make them money. However, you need to have money management skills, in order not to lose everything on a greedy or stupid trade. I may or may not already be in the trades i recommend. I may or may not trade the stocks i recommend. Due diligence is required on your part and the usual disclaimer that i am not responsible for your losses always apply. I have no affiliations with any broker/dealer and all posts are for educational purposes only. Remember to 'refresh' the home page and the "Comments" pages frequently in order to receive updated posts. Let's rock!

Monday, March 21, 2005

USEG is on fire! Volume today doubled yesterday and almost six times the day before!

What does all this tell ya? USEG is now traders' heaven. We are in a commodities bull market and USEG is a gold, gas, oil, uranium, and molybdenum play all rolled into one! No matter which commodity the talking heads on CNBC pushes, we feed them all! lolololol...... USEG is Wind, Earth, Fire, & Water. It feeds them all! lol... Check this out: If USEG were just an oil play, it would have went down silly with ABLE & GEOI in the late afternoon! Longs gotta love it! Once we break $10, $20 is not far away!

USEG should have another giant run (or two) left in it before a mini-correction, and then onwards to new highs. Mangement can definately help us out even more just by printing new press releases...lol. Oh, just in case you don't know already, management already helped us out this month by buying USEG shares (via exercising their options).
http://www.marketwatch.com/tools/quotes/insiders.asp?siteid=mktw&symb=USEG&sid=5131&time=4 ... That happened in March 2005! None of the others we have been trading had any insider buying. Not ABLE. Not GEOI. Not NGAS. Not FUEL. Not anybody...

You don't believe we are headed to $10 in a hurry? Well, we are! We have the historical chart of USEG on our side. We have the commodities prices on our side. We have China moving full steam ahead in chumping down every imaginable commodity in the years to come. Only ABLE and GEOI needs to worry about the crude oil prices correcting. We don't! Because we got gold, got uranium and we got the $20 billion molybdenum that give us bouyancy and levitation...roflmao.

Oh, be sure to read the previous post from this weekend if you just bought the stock.

Let's rock!


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