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The last few years have been great to me, as i was able to clobber the S&P500 many times in returns. But of course, you can't make a living trading the markets if you don't make great great returns. I'll try to give my readers trades that i think will make them money. However, you need to have money management skills, in order not to lose everything on a greedy or stupid trade. I may or may not already be in the trades i recommend. I may or may not trade the stocks i recommend. Due diligence is required on your part and the usual disclaimer that i am not responsible for your losses always apply. I have no affiliations with any broker/dealer and all posts are for educational purposes only. Remember to 'refresh' the home page and the "Comments" pages frequently in order to receive updated posts. Let's rock!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

HISC.pk is already up 140% since our call of .01 two weeks ago...

Remember that we have never bought pinksheets before and HISC.pk is our first (and probably only one) ever. Pinksheets are major duds found near garbage cans. lol

We called this one because there are very compelling reasons to own it, now more than ever before. What are the reasons?

HISC: All the pieces are starting to fall in place.

1) Profitable - made 2 million with 500k profits last year! Expects to make $7 million revenues this year.

2) Only $12 million market cap at the current price! There are 500 million shares outstanding and 250 million shares in the float. Mangement retired 450 million shares and bought back 10 million shares recently.

3) Leaving the pinksheets soon is the goal!

4) Expects to make $125 million in the next three years!!! Expects to make $7 million in revenues in 2005!

5) Their CyberTracker will also be sold in retail stores as wells as seaports, airports, government agencies, etc!

6) **** Just hired a former NEXTEL executive !!!!!!!!!! ******** Hiring an executive from a big company almost always give credibility to a small company such as HISC.

7) Beanie gives a 20-bagger initial target on the stock within the next 1-2 years! (This one is somewhat subjective...lol)

8) Company has no debt! I called the firm that answers to investors.


Blogger curt504 said...

FYI, your ALTI tip might be getting over it's issues and ISON is up a bit too, in a market that most is adrift or down. ;-(

Wed May 18, 12:22:00 PM EDT  

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